Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sick Today

Yesterday, i was in school and got through wrestling and history. At the end of history my head started hurting. I thought it was because my teacher made me grade my homework in green crayon and i looked at it for too long. Then in the next period, my Geometry teacher looked at me and told me that i looked sick so she sent me to the nurse. Then the nurse asked if i had any medicine at the school. I didn't so she sent me to the trainer after telling her that i wrestled. The trainer gave me a tylenal tablet to swallow and i went to a water fountain and did so. Then i went back to class and my headache was worse than ever. My stomach started hurting me also. Then my teacher announced we were having a pop quiz. I was just gonna write my name on it and turn it in because i couldn't think at all. Then she told me to go back down to the nurse, so i headed over to the trainer. He told me i should go home so i headed to the nurse phoned home and then she told me to go lay down. She put a trash can next to me and thats when i got sick. It felt like i was never gonna get picked up, it felt like it was so long from when i called my mom and from when she arrived. Then going home i also got sick again. I was not a very happy kid at the moment. Then i got home and felt like taking a warm bath.... obviously my stomach had other plans. Then i went to sleep and this continued just wake up and gag because i had nothing left in my stomach. Now today, i feel a little bit better but not in condition to go back to school and wrestle. So i decided to create a blog like my brother and mom.